Esto es lo que necesitamos para ayudarlo a seguir los pasos de esta asociación que cambia la vida.



Let’s check your insurance benefits and fill out the initial paperwork so we can get you started asap

We need your child’s basic information (you can give this to the clinician on your initial contact) including date of birth, schedule availability, address, insurance company and contact details such as address and phone.

Next, we need copy of your insurance card (front and back). You can scan this to us. Note: if you are an SDRC client/referral, the process is different and we can coordinate with you.


Diagnosis or ABA referral

For your insurance benefit, we will need to provide a copy of your child’s most recent Informe de diagnóstico. El informe de diagnóstico a veces se puede denominar como Informe de evaluación psicológica o un Informe de evaluación del desarrollo or sometimes also referred to as an Evaluación enfocada en el autismo
A Diagnostic or any of the other types of report is usually a 5 to 10 page document written in a narrative format as a result of an appointment/evaluation with a psychologist who conducted testing and interviewed you and your child. If your child has a diagnosis of autism, it is documented in the report, usually in the 3rd or 4th paragraph from the end. 
Si su hijo no tiene un diagnóstico pero ha sido recomendado para ABA, esto también se encuentra en el Informe de diagnóstico en uno de los párrafos finales.

Vamos a conocerte a ti y a tu hijo

Intake appointment. We will come to your house and the first thing we will do (if your child is present – if you prefer to meet without your child for the first time we can arrange that) is to start establishing rapport. This is when we hear parents say things like “he/she never just starts playing like that with a stranger!” and “wow, he/she really likes you!” 
A menudo podemos obtener información básica sobre dónde comenzar cuando comenzamos a enseñar y no es raro que en esta primera visita descubramos habilidades sutiles que ni siquiera sabía que tenía su hijo. También trabajaremos en equipo y revisaremos sus prioridades personales para su hijo, qué tipo de cosas le parecen realmente divertidas y cómo serán las sesiones de ABA. 

Procedimientos de seguro (el favorito de todos)

Once we have the three pieces of items from above, we have our claims manager confirm your insurance covers ABA. Next, this is how your insurance benefit typically works:
We will request an authorization for Assessment from your insurance. Certain insurances will require a referral for authorization to come from a pediatrician or your primary care provider (PCP). We can assist you with knowing which insurances have that requirement.
La mayoría de los seguros demoran de 3 a 7 días hábiles para darnos autorización / aprobación para realizar la Evaluación.

Behavior Assessment and first day of treatment

When we get the initial authorization, we will come out 2-4 times to identify exactly what skills we will be working on, set goals, and typically complete a language assessment (VB-MAPP). 
Then we use our clinical expertise and take the time to write a detailed and thorough report (Behavior Assessment Report). We submit the Assessment Report to the autism department of your insurance. We report to them how often and how much treatment we recommend, along with what we’ll be working on – goals and timelines.
La mayoría de los seguros tardan de 3 a 7 días hábiles en revisarse y nos dan una autorización / aprobación para comenzar el tratamiento.
Once we get this authorization/approval for actual ABA treatment, we set up your regular treatment schedule and begin providing direct, ongoing services. This is where the magic happens. You will get to meet your team, consisting of a Supervising BCBA and most likely two Behavior Interventionists who will start the process of moving you child in the direction you want them to go.